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со всех языков на английский

give sig ud for at være

  • 1 give up

    ge upp; tröttna
    * * *
    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) sluta, upphöra
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) sluta med
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) överlämna sig, lämna ifrån sig
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) ägna, anslå
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) ge upp hoppet om, anse förlorad

    English-Swedish dictionary > give up

  • 2 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) hætta við
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) hætta að nota
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) afhenda
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) helga sig, nota/eyða tíma í
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) átlíta/telja e-n vera

    English-Icelandic dictionary > give up

  • 3 give way to

    hänge sig åt; ge vika för

    English-Swedish dictionary > give way to

  • 4 impersonate

    (to copy the behaviour etc of or pretend to be (another person), sometimes in order to deceive: The comedian impersonated the prime minister.) efterligne; give sig ud for; spille
    * * *
    (to copy the behaviour etc of or pretend to be (another person), sometimes in order to deceive: The comedian impersonated the prime minister.) efterligne; give sig ud for; spille

    English-Danish dictionary > impersonate

  • 5 masquerade

    [mæskə'reid] 1. noun
    ((a) pretence or disguise: Her show of friendship was (a) masquerade.) maskerade
    2. verb
    ((with as) to pretend to be, usually intending to deceive: The criminal was masquerading as a respectable businessman.) give sig ud for at være
    * * *
    [mæskə'reid] 1. noun
    ((a) pretence or disguise: Her show of friendship was (a) masquerade.) maskerade
    2. verb
    ((with as) to pretend to be, usually intending to deceive: The criminal was masquerading as a respectable businessman.) give sig ud for at være

    English-Danish dictionary > masquerade

  • 6 amuse

    1) (to make (someone) laugh: I was amused at the monkey's antics.) more; underholde
    2) (to interest or give pleasure to (for a time): They amused themselves playing cards.) more sig; underholde sig
    - amusing
    - amusingly
    * * *
    1) (to make (someone) laugh: I was amused at the monkey's antics.) more; underholde
    2) (to interest or give pleasure to (for a time): They amused themselves playing cards.) more sig; underholde sig
    - amusing
    - amusingly

    English-Danish dictionary > amuse

  • 7 signal

    1. noun
    Signal, das

    a signal for something/to somebody — ein Zeichen zu etwas/für jemanden

    the signal was against us/at red — (Railw.) das Signal zeigte "halt"/stand auf Rot

    hand signals(Motor Veh.) Handzeichen

    radio signal — Funkspruch, der

    2. intransitive verb,
    (Brit.) - ll- signalisieren; Signale geben; [Kraftfahrer:] blinken; (using hand etc. signals) anzeigen

    signal to somebody [to do something] — jemandem ein Zeichen geben[, etwas zu tun]

    3. transitive verb,
    (Brit.) - ll-
    1) (lit. or fig.) signalisieren

    signal somebody [to do something] — jemandem ein Zeichen geben[, etwas zu tun]

    the driver signalled that he was turning rightder Fahrer zeigte an, dass er [nach] rechts abbiegen wollte

    2) (Radio etc.) funken; [über Funk] durchgeben
    4. adjective
    * * *
    ['siɡnəl] 1. noun
    1) (a sign (eg a movement of the hand, a light, a sound), especially one arranged beforehand, giving a command, warning or other message: He gave the signal to advance.) das Signal
    2) (a machine etc used for this purpose: a railway signal.) das Signal
    3) (the wave, sound received or sent out by a radio set etc.) das Signal
    2. verb
    1) (to make signals (to): The policeman signalled the driver to stop.) Zeichen geben
    2) (to send (a message etc) by means of signals.) signalisieren
    - academic.ru/67212/signalman">signalman
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (gesture) Zeichen nt, Signal nt ( for für + akk)
    2. (indication) [An]zeichen nt
    they are demanding a clear \signal that the issues are being addressed sie verlangen ein klares [An]zeichen dafür, dass die Probleme angegangen wurden
    3. (traffic light) Ampel f; (for trains) Signal nt
    4. ELEC, RADIO (transmission) Signal nt; (reception) Empfang m
    5. AM AUTO (indicator) Blinker m
    II. vt
    < BRIT - ll- or AM usu -l->
    to \signal sth [to sb] [jdm] etw signalisieren
    he \signalled left, but turned right er blinkte nach links, bog aber nach rechts ab
    to \signal impatience Ungeduld zu erkennen geben
    to \signal sb to do sth jdm signalisieren, etw zu tun
    III. vi
    < BRIT - ll- or AM usu -l->
    signalisieren; TELEC melden
    she \signalled to them to be quiet sie gab ihnen ein Zeichen, ruhig zu sein
    to \signal for sth ein Zeichen nt zu etw dat geben
    IV. adj attr ( form) achievement, success bemerkenswert, beachtlich
    * * *
    I ['sɪgnl]
    1. n
    1) (= sign) Zeichen nt; (as part of code) Signal nt; (= message) Nachricht f

    to give the signal for sth — das Zeichen/Signal zu etw geben

    2) (= apparatus RAIL) Signal nt
    3) (TELEC) Signal nt
    4) (Brit MIL)

    Signals — ≈ Fernmelder pl, Angehörige der britischen Fernmeldetruppe Royal Corps of Signals

    2. vt
    1) (= indicate) anzeigen; arrival, future event, spring etc ankündigen

    to signal sb to do sth —

    the policeman signalled (Brit) or signaled (US) the cars on — der Polizist gab den Autos das Zeichen weiterzufahren

    that he was going to turn lefter zeigte an, dass er ( nach) links abbiegen wollte

    to signal one's intention to do sth — anzeigen, dass man vorhat, etw zu tun

    2) message signalisieren
    3. vi
    ein Zeichen geben

    he signaled for the check (US) — er winkte zum Zeichen, dass er zahlen wollte

    the driver didn't signalder Fahrer hat kein Zeichen gegeben or hat nicht angezeigt

    for reinforcementsder General forderte Verstärkung an

    adj attr (liter)
    victory, courage beachtlich, bemerkenswert; success, contribution beachtlich; failure, stupidity eklatant (geh)
    * * *
    signal [ˈsıɡnl]
    A s
    1. auch MIL etc Signal n, ( auch verabredetes) Zeichen: distress A 5, light signal
    2. ELEK, SCHIFF, MIL, TECH (Funk)Spruch m:
    Royal Corps of Signals, the Signals Br (die) Fernmeldetruppe
    3. fig Signal n, (auslösendes) Zeichen ( beide:
    for für, zu):
    give a signal ein Zeichen setzen
    4. Kartenspiel: Signal n
    B adj (adv signally)
    1. Signal…:
    signal arm BAHN Signalarm m;
    Signal Corps US Fernmeldetruppe f;
    signal beacon Signalbake f;
    signal communications pl MIL Fernmeldewesen n;
    signal engineering Fernmeldetechnik f;
    signal code Zeichenschlüssel m
    2. beachtlich, un-, außergewöhnlich
    C v/t prät und pperf -naled, besonders Br -nalled
    1. jemanden durch Zeichen oder Signal(e) verständigen, jemandem Zeichen geben, jemandem winken
    2. fig zu verstehen geben, signalisieren
    3. eine Nachricht etc signalisieren, übermitteln, etwas melden
    4. Eishockey: eine Strafe anzeigen (Schiedsrichter)
    D v/i signalisieren, Zeichen machen oder geben, AUTO blinken
    sig. abk
    * * *
    1. noun
    Signal, das

    a signal for something/to somebody — ein Zeichen zu etwas/für jemanden

    the signal was against us/at red — (Railw.) das Signal zeigte "halt"/stand auf Rot

    hand signals(Motor Veh.) Handzeichen

    radio signal — Funkspruch, der

    2. intransitive verb,
    (Brit.) - ll- signalisieren; Signale geben; [Kraftfahrer:] blinken; (using hand etc. signals) anzeigen

    signal to somebody [to do something] — jemandem ein Zeichen geben[, etwas zu tun]

    3. transitive verb,
    (Brit.) - ll-
    1) (lit. or fig.) signalisieren

    signal somebody [to do something] — jemandem ein Zeichen geben[, etwas zu tun]

    the driver signalled that he was turning right — der Fahrer zeigte an, dass er [nach] rechts abbiegen wollte

    2) (Radio etc.) funken; [über Funk] durchgeben
    4. adjective
    * * *
    Signal e) n.
    Zeichen - n. v.
    signalisieren v.

    English-german dictionary > signal

  • 8 amuse

    v. roa, underhålla; få att skratta
    * * *
    1) (to make (someone) laugh: I was amused at the monkey's antics.) roa
    2) (to interest or give pleasure to (for a time): They amused themselves playing cards.) roa sig med
    - amusing
    - amusingly

    English-Swedish dictionary > amuse

  • 9 do (someone) proud

    (to give (a person) good treatment or entertainment: We always do them proud when they come to dinner.) göra sig besvär för ngns skull

    English-Swedish dictionary > do (someone) proud

  • 10 do (someone) proud

    (to give (a person) good treatment or entertainment: We always do them proud when they come to dinner.) göra sig besvär för ngns skull

    English-Swedish dictionary > do (someone) proud

  • 11 significance

    sig·nifi·cance [sɪgʼnɪfɪkən(t)s, Am ʼnɪfə-] n
    1) ( importance) Wichtigkeit f, Bedeutung f;
    to be of great \significance for sb/ sth von großer Bedeutung für jdn/etw sein;
    to be of no \significance belanglos [o bedeutungslos] sein
    2) ( meaning) Bedeutung f;
    what's the \significance of that gesture? was bedeutet diese Geste?;
    to give \significance to sth/sb etw/jdm Bedeutung beimessen

    English-German students dictionary > significance

  • 12 abdicate

    1) (to leave or give up the position and authority of a king or queen: The king abdicated (the throne) in favour of his son.) abdicere; frasige sig tronen
    2) (to leave or give up (responsibility, power etc): He abdicated all responsibility for the work to his elder son.) overlade; give fra sig
    * * *
    1) (to leave or give up the position and authority of a king or queen: The king abdicated (the throne) in favour of his son.) abdicere; frasige sig tronen
    2) (to leave or give up (responsibility, power etc): He abdicated all responsibility for the work to his elder son.) overlade; give fra sig

    English-Danish dictionary > abdicate

  • 13 change

    [ ein‹] 1. verb
    1) (to make or become different: They have changed the time of the train; He has changed since I saw him last.) forandre sig; ændre
    2) (to give or leave (one thing etc for another): She changed my library books for me.) bytte
    3) ((sometimes with into) to remove (clothes etc) and replace them by clean or different ones: I'm just going to change (my shirt); I'll change into an old pair of trousers.) skifte
    4) ((with into) to make into or become (something different): The prince was changed into a frog.) forvandle
    5) (to give or receive (one kind of money for another): Could you change this bank-note for cash?) veksle; bytte
    2. noun
    1) (the process of becoming or making different: The town is undergoing change.) forandring
    2) (an instance of this: a change in the programme.) ændring
    3) (a substitution of one thing for another: a change of clothes.) erstatning; skifte-
    4) (coins rather than paper money: I'll have to give you a note - I have no change.) småpenge
    5) (money left over or given back from the amount given in payment: He paid with a dollar and got 20 cents change.) byttepenge
    6) (a holiday, rest etc: He has been ill - the change will do him good.) forandring
    - change hands
    - a change of heart
    - the change of life
    - change one's mind
    - for a change
    * * *
    [ ein‹] 1. verb
    1) (to make or become different: They have changed the time of the train; He has changed since I saw him last.) forandre sig; ændre
    2) (to give or leave (one thing etc for another): She changed my library books for me.) bytte
    3) ((sometimes with into) to remove (clothes etc) and replace them by clean or different ones: I'm just going to change (my shirt); I'll change into an old pair of trousers.) skifte
    4) ((with into) to make into or become (something different): The prince was changed into a frog.) forvandle
    5) (to give or receive (one kind of money for another): Could you change this bank-note for cash?) veksle; bytte
    2. noun
    1) (the process of becoming or making different: The town is undergoing change.) forandring
    2) (an instance of this: a change in the programme.) ændring
    3) (a substitution of one thing for another: a change of clothes.) erstatning; skifte-
    4) (coins rather than paper money: I'll have to give you a note - I have no change.) småpenge
    5) (money left over or given back from the amount given in payment: He paid with a dollar and got 20 cents change.) byttepenge
    6) (a holiday, rest etc: He has been ill - the change will do him good.) forandring
    - change hands
    - a change of heart
    - the change of life
    - change one's mind
    - for a change

    English-Danish dictionary > change

  • 14 do

    [du:] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb
    1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?)
    2) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; [ðo sit down])
    3) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.)
    4) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.)
    5) (to carry out or perform: What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.) gøre
    6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) gøre; fuldføre
    7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) vaske; rydde; pudse
    8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) være nok; gøre det; passe
    9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) arbejde med; studere
    10) (to manage or prosper: How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.) have det; klare sig
    11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) ordne; sætte i stand
    12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?) gøre; handle; opføre sig
    13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) vise
    14) (to cause: What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.) forårsage
    15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) se; gøre
    2. noun
    (an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) arrangement; fest
    - doings
    - done
    - do-it-yourself
    - to-do
    - I
    - he could be doing with / could do with
    - do away with
    - do for
    - done for
    - done in
    - do out
    - do out of
    - do's and don'ts
    - do without
    - to do with
    - what are you doing with
    * * *
    [du:] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb
    1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?)
    2) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; [ðo sit down])
    3) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.)
    4) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.)
    5) (to carry out or perform: What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.) gøre
    6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) gøre; fuldføre
    7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) vaske; rydde; pudse
    8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) være nok; gøre det; passe
    9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) arbejde med; studere
    10) (to manage or prosper: How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.) have det; klare sig
    11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) ordne; sætte i stand
    12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?) gøre; handle; opføre sig
    13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) vise
    14) (to cause: What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.) forårsage
    15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) se; gøre
    2. noun
    (an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) arrangement; fest
    - doings
    - done
    - do-it-yourself
    - to-do
    - I
    - he could be doing with / could do with
    - do away with
    - do for
    - done for
    - done in
    - do out
    - do out of
    - do's and don'ts
    - do without
    - to do with
    - what are you doing with

    English-Danish dictionary > do

  • 15 rise

    1. past tense - rose; verb
    1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) stige; hæve
    2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) stige op; gå op; hæve sig
    3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) stå op
    4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) rejse sig
    5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) stige op
    6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) hæve sig
    7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) gøre oprør
    8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) blive forfremmet
    9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) have sit udspring
    10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) blive stærkere
    11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) rejse sig; skyde op
    12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) genopstå
    2. noun
    1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) stigning
    2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) lønforhøjelse
    3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) stigning
    4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) opståen
    3. adjective
    the rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) stigende; opstigende; opvoksende; lovende
    - late riser
    - give rise to
    - rise to the occasion
    * * *
    1. past tense - rose; verb
    1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) stige; hæve
    2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) stige op; gå op; hæve sig
    3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) stå op
    4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) rejse sig
    5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) stige op
    6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) hæve sig
    7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) gøre oprør
    8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) blive forfremmet
    9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) have sit udspring
    10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) blive stærkere
    11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) rejse sig; skyde op
    12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) genopstå
    2. noun
    1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) stigning
    2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) lønforhøjelse
    3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) stigning
    4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) opståen
    3. adjective
    the rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) stigende; opstigende; opvoksende; lovende
    - late riser
    - give rise to
    - rise to the occasion

    English-Danish dictionary > rise

  • 16 pay

    [pei] 1. past tense, past participle - paid; verb
    1) (to give (money) to (someone) in exchange for goods, services etc: He paid $5 for the book.) betale
    2) (to return (money that is owed): It's time you paid your debts.) betale tilbage
    3) (to suffer punishment (for): You'll pay for that remark!) betale
    4) (to be useful or profitable (to): Crime doesn't pay.) betale sig
    5) (to give (attention, homage, respect etc): Pay attention!; to pay one's respects.) vise opmærksomhed; vise respekt
    2. noun
    (money given or received for work etc; wages: How much pay do you get?) løn
    - payee
    - payment
    - pay-packet
    - pay-roll
    - pay back
    - pay off
    - pay up
    - put paid to
    * * *
    [pei] 1. past tense, past participle - paid; verb
    1) (to give (money) to (someone) in exchange for goods, services etc: He paid $5 for the book.) betale
    2) (to return (money that is owed): It's time you paid your debts.) betale tilbage
    3) (to suffer punishment (for): You'll pay for that remark!) betale
    4) (to be useful or profitable (to): Crime doesn't pay.) betale sig
    5) (to give (attention, homage, respect etc): Pay attention!; to pay one's respects.) vise opmærksomhed; vise respekt
    2. noun
    (money given or received for work etc; wages: How much pay do you get?) løn
    - payee
    - payment
    - pay-packet
    - pay-roll
    - pay back
    - pay off
    - pay up
    - put paid to

    English-Danish dictionary > pay

  • 17 report

    [rə'po:t] 1. noun
    1) (a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: a child's school report; a police report on the accident.) rapport; -rapport
    2) (rumour; general talk: According to report, the manager is going to resign.) forlydende
    3) (a loud noise, especially of a gun being fired.) brag
    2. verb
    1) (to give a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: A serious accident has just been reported; He reported on the results of the conference; Our spies report that troops are being moved to the border; His speech was reported in the newspaper.) rapportere; referere
    2) (to make a complaint about; to give information about the misbehaviour etc of: The boy was reported to the headmaster for being rude to a teacher.) indberette
    3) (to tell someone in authority about: He reported the theft to the police.) anmelde
    4) (to go (to a place or a person) and announce that one is there, ready for work etc: The boys were ordered to report to the police-station every Saturday afternoon; Report to me when you return; How many policemen reported for duty?) møde op; melde sig
    - reported speech
    - report back
    * * *
    [rə'po:t] 1. noun
    1) (a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: a child's school report; a police report on the accident.) rapport; -rapport
    2) (rumour; general talk: According to report, the manager is going to resign.) forlydende
    3) (a loud noise, especially of a gun being fired.) brag
    2. verb
    1) (to give a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: A serious accident has just been reported; He reported on the results of the conference; Our spies report that troops are being moved to the border; His speech was reported in the newspaper.) rapportere; referere
    2) (to make a complaint about; to give information about the misbehaviour etc of: The boy was reported to the headmaster for being rude to a teacher.) indberette
    3) (to tell someone in authority about: He reported the theft to the police.) anmelde
    4) (to go (to a place or a person) and announce that one is there, ready for work etc: The boys were ordered to report to the police-station every Saturday afternoon; Report to me when you return; How many policemen reported for duty?) møde op; melde sig
    - reported speech
    - report back

    English-Danish dictionary > report

  • 18 keep

    [ki:p] 1. past tense, past participle - kept; verb
    1) (to have for a very long or indefinite period of time: He gave me the picture to keep.) beholde
    2) (not to give or throw away; to preserve: I kept the most interesting books; Can you keep a secret?) beholde; bevare; holde på
    3) (to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position: I keep this gun loaded; How do you keep cool in this heat?; Will you keep me informed of what happens?) holde
    4) (to go on (performing or repeating a certain action): He kept walking.) blive ved
    5) (to have in store: I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.) have
    6) (to look after or care for: She keeps the garden beautifully; I think they keep hens.) holde
    7) (to remain in good condition: That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.) holde sig
    8) (to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc): She keeps a diary to remind her of her appointments; He kept the accounts for the club.) føre
    9) (to hold back or delay: Sorry to keep you.) holde på; opholde
    10) (to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone): He has a wife and child to keep.) forsørge
    11) (to act in the way demanded by: She kept her promise.) holde
    12) (to celebrate: to keep Christmas.) holde
    2. noun
    (food and lodging: She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep - she kills all the mice in the house.) kost; ophold
    - keeping
    - keep-fit
    - keepsake
    - for keeps
    - in keeping with
    - keep away
    - keep back
    - keep one's distance
    - keep down
    - keep one's end up
    - keep from
    - keep going
    - keep hold of
    - keep house for
    - keep house
    - keep in
    - keep in mind
    - keep it up
    - keep off
    - keep on
    - keep oneself to oneself
    - keep out
    - keep out of
    - keep time
    - keep to
    - keep something to oneself
    - keep to oneself
    - keep up
    - keep up with the Joneses
    - keep watch
    * * *
    [ki:p] 1. past tense, past participle - kept; verb
    1) (to have for a very long or indefinite period of time: He gave me the picture to keep.) beholde
    2) (not to give or throw away; to preserve: I kept the most interesting books; Can you keep a secret?) beholde; bevare; holde på
    3) (to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position: I keep this gun loaded; How do you keep cool in this heat?; Will you keep me informed of what happens?) holde
    4) (to go on (performing or repeating a certain action): He kept walking.) blive ved
    5) (to have in store: I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.) have
    6) (to look after or care for: She keeps the garden beautifully; I think they keep hens.) holde
    7) (to remain in good condition: That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.) holde sig
    8) (to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc): She keeps a diary to remind her of her appointments; He kept the accounts for the club.) føre
    9) (to hold back or delay: Sorry to keep you.) holde på; opholde
    10) (to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone): He has a wife and child to keep.) forsørge
    11) (to act in the way demanded by: She kept her promise.) holde
    12) (to celebrate: to keep Christmas.) holde
    2. noun
    (food and lodging: She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep - she kills all the mice in the house.) kost; ophold
    - keeping
    - keep-fit
    - keepsake
    - for keeps
    - in keeping with
    - keep away
    - keep back
    - keep one's distance
    - keep down
    - keep one's end up
    - keep from
    - keep going
    - keep hold of
    - keep house for
    - keep house
    - keep in
    - keep in mind
    - keep it up
    - keep off
    - keep on
    - keep oneself to oneself
    - keep out
    - keep out of
    - keep time
    - keep to
    - keep something to oneself
    - keep to oneself
    - keep up
    - keep up with the Joneses
    - keep watch

    English-Danish dictionary > keep

  • 19 press

    [pres] 1. verb
    1) (to use a pushing motion (against): Press the bell twice!; The children pressed close to their mother.) trykke sig
    2) (to squeeze; to flatten: The grapes are pressed to extract the juice.) presse
    3) (to urge or hurry: He pressed her to enter the competition.) presse
    4) (to insist on: The printers are pressing their claim for higher pay.) presse på for
    5) (to iron: Your trousers need to be pressed.) presse
    2. noun
    1) (an act of pressing: He gave her hand a press; You had better give your shirt a press.) tryk; strygning
    2) ((also printing-press) a printing machine.) trykke-
    3) (newspapers in general: It was reported in the press; ( also adjective) a press photographer.) presse; presse-
    4) (the people who work on newspapers and magazines; journalists: The press is/are always interested in the private lives of famous people.) journalister
    5) (a device or machine for pressing: a wine-press; a flower-press.) presse; -presser
    - press conference
    - press-cutting
    - be hard pressed
    - be pressed for
    - press for
    - press forward/on
    * * *
    [pres] 1. verb
    1) (to use a pushing motion (against): Press the bell twice!; The children pressed close to their mother.) trykke sig
    2) (to squeeze; to flatten: The grapes are pressed to extract the juice.) presse
    3) (to urge or hurry: He pressed her to enter the competition.) presse
    4) (to insist on: The printers are pressing their claim for higher pay.) presse på for
    5) (to iron: Your trousers need to be pressed.) presse
    2. noun
    1) (an act of pressing: He gave her hand a press; You had better give your shirt a press.) tryk; strygning
    2) ((also printing-press) a printing machine.) trykke-
    3) (newspapers in general: It was reported in the press; ( also adjective) a press photographer.) presse; presse-
    4) (the people who work on newspapers and magazines; journalists: The press is/are always interested in the private lives of famous people.) journalister
    5) (a device or machine for pressing: a wine-press; a flower-press.) presse; -presser
    - press conference
    - press-cutting
    - be hard pressed
    - be pressed for
    - press for
    - press forward/on

    English-Danish dictionary > press

  • 20 pay

    n. lön; betalning, avlöning
    v. betala; ordna, klara upp; löna sig
    * * *
    [pei] 1. past tense, past participle - paid; verb
    1) (to give (money) to (someone) in exchange for goods, services etc: He paid $5 for the book.) betala
    2) (to return (money that is owed): It's time you paid your debts.) betala
    3) (to suffer punishment (for): You'll pay for that remark!) betala
    4) (to be useful or profitable (to): Crime doesn't pay.) löna sig
    5) (to give (attention, homage, respect etc): Pay attention!; to pay one's respects.) höra [], bringa [], betyga []
    2. noun
    (money given or received for work etc; wages: How much pay do you get?) lön, betalning
    - payee
    - payment
    - pay-packet
    - pay-roll
    - pay back
    - pay off
    - pay up
    - put paid to

    English-Swedish dictionary > pay

См. также в других словарях:

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